Administration Error?  Cannot share files on home network.  Also msconfig changes prompt admin access Yet click twice and the changes happen
Recently I have learned I have an Admin problem with my XP Home edition Service pack 3. I believe it is an admin problem because1. When I do a msconfig and make changes I recieve; "An Access Denied error was returned while attempting to change a service. You may need to log on using an Adminstrator account to make the specified changes" when I click OK it returns the error again, when I click OK again it makes the changes and rebots (or not) depending on the changes to services or startup.2nd reason I believe I have an admin problem. I cannot share files on the homenetwork. Both pc's are xp service pack 3. From the pc with the "problem" I can view the other pc & shared folders, But the other pc can See the folders on the "problem" pc yet, you cannot open the folder getting an error, Contact the administrator of that pc as you do not have access. Another Item in addition, I cannot share files within Media Player on Problem pc to the home network.I am not a pc expert "home taught" through "click and fail"I believe this all stems to a power serge several years ago and the reinstall process. Only recently have I learned of this problem because of home networking(as a result of a pc giving to my son)The "problem" pc Runs Great though. I have learned to keep it clean and backed up. Upgraded ram and external hard drive helps. So....With XP home is there a way to fix this admin error Without a wipping and reinstallation of OS/hard drive? As I say it runs Awesome, Better than most1 person needs an answerI do too
January 13th, 2011 11:46am

I have some thoughts on the first issue which you can see if they sound like your situation:See if these notes apply to your system:If you are using msconfig and you see something along the lines of:An Access Denied error was returned while attempting to change a service. You may need to log on using an Administrator account to make the specified changes.If you now or have ever had an HP printer installed, the problem is most likely the HPZ12 Service.The msconfig changes seem to work, but the error message is annoying.There is a possibility you will lose communications with your HP printer if you want to prevent the error message. This may not be a problem if you don't care about the communications or never use those HP features.You can also live with the message, knowing the changes really worked or you can contact and ask HP and they will usually suggest reinstalling Windows (these kinds of suggestions usually mean nobody knows what to do!).Depending on your comfort level with making system changes, here are two solutions., there is no undo or quit without saving option in the registry editor.Before making registry changes, backup your registry with this popular free and easy to use tool:, msconfig is not a startup manager. msconfig is a troubleshooting tool.Another possibility is to use some third party startup program that actually is a startup manager to make your general configuration changes. I don't use any startup manager (I have zero startup items), but some other folks will have some ideas of popular things they use.I have no thoughts on the sharing problem though (I don't share either!). Do, or do not. There is no try.I decided to save up points for a new puppy instead of a pony!
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January 13th, 2011 1:06pm

Well, I do have an hp printer (C3150) I did the suggested changes to the registry and still have the same error while doing the msconfig. I changed it to manual by entering 3. As a footnote, I use this tool (msconfig) to disable programs I do not want to be running in the background because of video editing. It really helps with the video program to run and render better. I do hide all microsoft services though. So the changes have not affected the error message. I do still get it and am still unable to share my folders with the other computer & blu-ray player on my local network.Might you have any other suggestions?Thank you for your time.davefyi, the printer app works fine with changes.
January 13th, 2011 2:58pm

Someone suggested something like this as a command prompt for a pathway...I havent tried it yet...does this make sence? Perhaps you know of a link like the ones above as those instructions were rather easy to follow btw....This assume a M drive is desired. The remote computer’s name is hplaptop. The share name on hplaptop is dl. net use m: \\hplaptop\dl A user ID and password may be required: net use n: \\hplaptop\dl CaseSensitivePassword /user:TheUserIDNotCaseSenitive
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 13th, 2011 3:38pm

Do your msconfig changes still work in spite of the message?Do you have the HPZ12 Service?I will have to change my copy/paste commentary to say "possible" solutions.I can't help you with the sharing part...Do, or do not. There is no try.I decided to save up points for a new puppy instead of a pony!
January 13th, 2011 4:22pm

Yes I have the hpZ12 service. I disabled it after the registry change did not fix the error to see if that would and it did not.
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January 14th, 2011 7:49am

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